Captain Fin Co - Wade Goodall Tri - Medium - White (Futures)

  • £120.00

When designing his fin set, Wade Goodall wanted a simple graphic that looked good in every board—a nod to the glass-on era of fins. He also wanted a template that held true through turns but has release when you want it.

The larger side fins combine with a smaller trailer so there's no need to switch between sizes and is also good for all types of boards including shortboards, fish, and step-ups. "I wanted a fin that held true on rail, but still had an easily accessible release point, hence the larger side fins and slightly smaller trailer. This is a really versatile set which means more fun all around!"

Balanced fin that suits many boards and conditions for a medium weight surfer.

Maneuverability: Balanced

Compatibility: Futures fin system

Construction: Fiberglass

Flex: Stiff


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